Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Ok so here I am again 2 months on - ah that'd be whoops then!

Truth is I suppose i haven't really had anything interesting to say so just haven't said anything.

Well, its now the 11th December (14 sleeps to go by the way) and my main thought at the moment is (other than the hundreds of little ones) Where does the time go?

I'm half way through the Christmas programme. 2 carolling stints done, 2 to go. 2 Sundays in advent gone, 2 to go. Less than 2 working weeks till Christmas and I suppose more importantly 2 weeks today till Christmas Day.

I was chatting with some of my friends on Sunday about the "headless chicken race" and where we were at. At th moment in the grand scheme of things yeah its nice to think we're half way through, but at the same time we're still climbing to the peak of the mountain. Work and preparation wise we haven't yet completed the big tasks, we're half way through at the army time wise but not work wise. We will have reached the peak of our "mountain" and be sliding leisurely back down the other side from Sunday.

Saturday is the big one. Me and Alan and Mark put the stable up (that is after 2 hours of carolling and once we have counted the money) So long day Saturday but once its done we can then relax and enjoy the winding down before Chrismas.

The start of the Christmas season also got me thinking I will have been doing the band for 2 years in January! I was astounded by that 2 YEARS. It's certainly been an interesting 2 years and in some respects its been a long 2 years but really its whizzed by.

Some the question i'm still asking and continue to ask is

Where does the time go?

(Hope this was ok for you Liz :@)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Rambly Blog, but just how it spilled out of my brain - Hope it makes sense

Well, well, well, here I am again. Think i must be aiming for a once a month blog lol.

What a weekend! The Main Event has been and gone, and it was fantastic. I spent the weekend in the kids venue which was totally awesome! God is great! he really blessed the children and the team over the weekend. Keeping kids from 5 - 12 years happy, interested and in touch with the love of God on their own level is no mean feat but i believe by the grace of God it was managed during the weekend.

It really did bring home to me how much i miss being part of childrens ministries on a week to week basis. But at the same time I know God's timing is perfect - let me explain;
I really do miss doing what i did over the weekend at Ilford. But at the same time I know that with my current commitments - both army and work, it just isn't feasible to add another thing - it wouldn't be fair to me or the kids at the army. But I also don't believe that God is going to waste my talents and that part of my calling. Coming home from the weekend (and subsequently being ill (I thank God that my cold didn't take complete hold until Monday - when i then lost my voice) its given me time to think and evaluate.
I truly believe (and have for a while) that I am where God wants me to be, doing what he wants me to do at the moment. I'm currently leading the band and am a small groups leader and I'm loving and getting a lot from both of those things. But i think that at some point in time there will be a shift and I will have the opportunity and necessaary time and focus to be able to fulfil the other part of my calling, which i believe to be in childrens ministries. So I am waiting Gods time, but i know time is never wasted when you are doing what God wants you to do.
I am in the place God wants me to be, doing what God wants me to do and will endeavour to continue doing so by not limiting God and by continuing to listen to him and following his leading down whatever paths he chooses.

Thanks to Liz for giving me the chance to be a part of the kids main event and hopefully I will get the chance to be part of many more kids events in the future.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Summer is over and Bec is blogging!

Well what do you know i'm blogging for the first time nearly 2 months.

Well a lot has happened in that time yet also not a lot has happened!

I would love to attribute my none blogging to the summer holidays but alas that would be an outright lie. Although I have still been keeping up to date on other peoples blogs I have simply been lacking the want or need to blog. But as I am child free as of 8.45am this morning thought that I would. I don't usually necessarily relish in the girls going back to school but for some reason this year I have. This morning I dropped them both off just before 8.45 (the doors always open earlier on the first day back - silly teachers, more fool them lol) and decided to treat myself to a sit down in one of the cafe's a hot chocolate and half an hour pure indulgent me time. I then did some bits in upminster and now here I am.

Well, what has been going on since I last blogged? Thats a very good question! I'm not actually that sure but looking at my diary here's a quick round up (Sorry for lack of pic's and photo's am at work so there aren't really any.

Since July 11th -

New Harry Potter Film came out - saw it the day before public release (so no-one could spoil it for me

Took the girls to see the Simpsons Movie 2 days before it officially came out - they were most impressed by that! (easily pleased hey?!?)

New Harry Potter book came out and read said book.

Took the girls to Southend for the day (which we do every summer) always a knackering but absolutely fantastic day and this year was no exception. As there are 2 of them I usually enlist the help of one of my friends for "a day of fun" and also cos the girls like different rides and more to the point dislike different rides logistacally I need another person. This year I let the girls suggest who we should invite and they chose my friend Mark ha ha ha ha. Now I know he enjoyed the day and the girls certainly enjoyed having him there but although I tried to describe what he was letting him in for - words just aren't adequate - you have to experience it - and experience it he did! That's what I call a baptism of fire lol!

Had a Christmas programme planning meeting - so yes in the summer holidays i have had to think about Christmas! But worse than that, due to the new practice schedule at Ilford we have half the amount of practices we did last year so will have to start Christmas music that much earlier. So not only have I had to think about Christmas, wait for it........................................................... I've had to listen to Christmas music!!!!!!!!!! Well for anyone who knows me quite well they will know I don't like to think about Christmas before I really really have to usually October or November but this year it was August!

Played family rounders in Upminster park.

Have been on holiday (yes again) this year I may have had a few holidays but have been away for no longer than 4 days at a time - Next year I am having 1 holiday that lasts the very least a whole week :@)

I had my "end of summer holiday massage"

And now the girls are back to school and will be back to some kind of normality. (Whatever "normal" is)

Well thats a BRIEF run down of what I've been up to.

Not particularly interesting blog I know but hey its a blog and we all know its been an absolute age since I last blogged so its an achievement.

Am still loving Facebook, have been having fairly long conversations with people I haven't seen or heard from in years so its a great.

Have also got to add that I am loving Glyn's new blog/ vlog long may it continue but I have to say I neither have the time nor the technical knowledge to be able to manage something like that so hat off to glyn but does he ever do any work? lol

Well thats about it for now, hopefully won't be as long till my next blog.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Long time no blog!

Well i can't believe its been a month already! A month since I last blogged - whoops! Well been very busy and haven't really had a lot to say i suppose. Have been to Portugal and to Scotland on holiday since i last blogged, had a great time relaxed in one place hiked up to the top of a mountain in another.
View from my tent

Well I made it to the top of Ben Nevis!!!!! Me, Bec, I hiked to top of the tallest mountain in britain - well I never. 4 1/2 hours up, 3 1/2 hours down - not bad going so i'm told but i'm not sure if they were trying to flatter my ego. But boy did I know I had legs (and a bum) the following couple of days. But it was amazing and breath taking. My real life mountain top experience!

I can't quite believe there is now only a week and a half left before the summer holidays ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Well we'll see how they go. I do enjoy my job but in the summer holidays my job is practically my life as once i've finished work all i'm good for is my bed and thats where i head more or less straight after my dinner! So its hello summer goodbye life he he he

Well thats me, other than the fact that i am finally becoming less addicted to facebook, although i'm probably still on there more than i should be but hey!

Monday, June 11, 2007


This never quite made it onto my currently reading list. But can COMPLETELY recommend it. I read it in a week and only really read on Fridays. Fantastic book, just need to find another book to read now DOH!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sarah Type Request

I was wondering if anyone could recommend a humourous read. I've really got a lot out of the book i've been reading recently but at the same time could obviously be a bit hard going at times. So is there anyone who could recommend a book that made them laugh or a slightly more light hearted book?

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Today I went to they gym. However I went to the gym feeling really angry. Now I don't get angry very often - frustrated yes, angry no. But when I do its not good.
Now I needed to go to they gym cos I hadn't been this week but I knew that if I worked out angry then I'd push myself too hard and do myself an injury. So whilst warming up on the cross trainer I put on the soundtrack to amazing grace, I know in the past if i've been stressed its really calmed me down.
By the end of the first track and some prayer (which always helps :->) I was suitably more chilled. And went on for the next half an hour or so having a really great worship session (which actually isn't unheard of whilst I work out in the gym.
But I just wanted to praise God that he can and does come close to us in the smallest places and some would say the strangest places, whether that be at the gym or in a traffic jam (I HATE TRAFFIC JAMS!) or even in the bathroom.
He is an awesome God who is capable of anything and everything .

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Query - perhaps a long shot

Has anyone got a copy of Total Youth Invasion that I could borrow - I only want one track really so would prefer not to have to buy it. Is there a nice person out there who owns it by any chance who wouldn't mind me borrowing it briefly?

Monday, May 14, 2007

One of the great things about being part of a church community is that it offers us the family that so many of us crave, and that is how it should be. I once heard someone say that if you go into a church and there are no unusual people there then something is wrong; if there are no social misfits, no weirdoes, no people with body odour, no people who have poor social skills... then the question is 'why not?' What is it about this church that repels people who don't fit in? The church should be the one place where everyone can feel they belong.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Well I was gonna blog about roots but there's so much to say that I wouldn't have clue where to start and i'd be here all day and still rambling on which would all be a bit long winded. I got an awful lot from roots some of which is very personal some of which will come out in the wash in conversations. All I will say is that I had an awesome time and came away with a great sense of peace which was great!
Right, onto blog subject. Sat down this morning and have read the introduction notes on Jonah in my study bible and instead of just highlighting the appropriate bits and not reading them again unless I open up that page. I thought i'd put it on here for me to refer to more easily.

As you read Jonah, see the full picture of God's love and compassion and realize that no one is beyond redemption. The gospel is for all who will repent and believe. Begin to pray for those who seem farthest from the kingdom, and look for ways to tell them about God. Learn from the story of this reluctant prophet and determine to obey God, doing whatever he asks and wherever he leads.

Rather than running away from God, trust him with your past, present and future. Saying no to God quickly leads to disaster. Saying yes brings new understanding of God and his purposes in the world.
We must not limit our focus to our own people. God wants his people to proclaim his love in words and actions to the whole world. He wants us to be his missionaries wherevere we are, wherever he sends us.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Joys of being a homeowner!

Well what can I say my on Saturday 21st April 2007 my washing machine went to the big soap bubble in the sky.

Yes its true I now have no washing machine, so what did I do on my day off on Monday, thats right, I took my washing bin full of clothes and trotted off to my mum and dads and did my washing - oh what joy!!!!!!!

So I am currently scouring ebay for a decent washing machine, but until I find one its off to "Jackie's Launderette" to do my washing oh ha ha ha ha ha - sorry i'm laughing out loud as I wrote that that really has made me chuckle - can you imagine it!!!!!!!!! he he he he he he :->

There are some bonuses to using Jackie's launderette I put the stuff in the washing machine and depending on whether I am still there when its finished depends on whether me or my mum hangs it on the line. Oh yes and one MASSIVE advantage is that I don't usually really iron much other than my army shirts but when I use Jackie's launderette I get my stuff ironed for me he he he THANKS MUM :->

Portugal vs Essex??!!??

Well at the weekend I was supposed to go to Portugal with my mum and dad, but due to unforseen circumstances it has had to be postponed till June.
So whats a girl to do all geared up to spend a lazy weekend in the sun well i'll tell you she (with help it has to be said) felted the roof of her shed and cut her grass which resembled a jungle and wait for it wait for it....... WENT TO THE GYM.
But actually it wasn't all bad i did have a very productive weekend just not what was planned.

On Sunday (having already arranged that I wasn't gonna be at the army - got cover for the band etc) I decided to still have the Sunday off - which is very much a rareity!
And I must say I really enjoyed it - for many reasons. Just because I didn't go to the army doesn't mean I didn't spend any time in worship it just wasn't corporate/ group worship. I had my own worship time on the treadmill and cross trainer. Another reason I found Sunday interesting was because I got to see how everyone else does "sunday" Now I know I for one can get a bit caught up in my own little bubble on a sunday morning, it just doesn't really enter my head what othere people do on a sunday morning and here I was in the throng of it. It really did set my mind wandering and was an excellent catalyst for my thoughts.

So there you have it instead of going to Portugal i spent the weekend in sunny essex - which for a change isn't meant in a sarcastic way. The wetaher was lovely and I had a very productive weekend and best yet I still have the weekend in portugal to look forward to so there is a silver lining to this cloud :->

Thursday, April 19, 2007

For those who are interested

Tim (Fisher) and Helen are engaged -
Planning to marry Summer 2008 .

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I read this...

It seems odd to have to say so, but too much religion is a bad thing. We can’t get too much of God, can’t get too much faith and obedience, can’t get too much love and worship. But religion – the well intentioned efforts we make to “get it all together” for God – can very well get in the way of what God is doing for us. The main and central action is everywhere and always what God has done, is doing and will do for us. Jesus is the revelation of that action. Our main and central task is to live in responsive obedience to God’s action revealed in Jesus. Our part in the action is the act of faith.
But more often than not we become impatiently self important along the way and decide to improve matters with our two cents worth. We add on, we supplement, we embellish. But instead of improving on the purity and simplicity of Jesus, we dilute clarity, clutter the simplicity. We become fussily religious, or anxiously religious. We get in the way.

Comments please...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Haircut day is nearly here - HURRAH!

At the weekend I am finally getting my haircut it was due for a cut a few weeks ago but I had to put it off so that I could get my hair up during my week off so it was easy when I went swimming and I didn't need to take my straighteners with me. But finally it is in sight. I don't know how you all feel but I just get to the stage where i'm desperate for a haircut and it becomes a really big thing cos my hair is doing my brain in - well I reached that stage a good 3 weeks ago and finally its nearly here woo hoo.

And yes for those of you who are interested i am getting a considerable amount chopped off and this is not just me getting all excited about a trim.

Does anyone else have weird things like this comments please - or am I the only one who gets this compulsively obsessive about matters like this

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Ok so i'm not a mum yet, but I have to blog a whole "they grow up so fast" blog!!!!!!!
Today was a scary milestone. Today was the day one of my charges got her own mobile phone!!!!!! Ok so now i'm sounding really bad, but it's sooooooo scary where the time goes last thing I knew she was just turning 5, i blink and suddenly she's 10 and has a mobile. I know the average age of a person to have a first mobile is getting younger but still it's so worrying.

While I'm blogging I suppose I should also add I am also now appreciating how daunting it can be for parents to let go at different stages.
When the schools go back becky will walk home on her own for the first time. Now she lives less then 1/2 a mile from her school yet this is such a big thing. I can't work out though whether i'm feeling it so much because between 8am and 6.30pm she is my responsibility oh whether its just cos its a daunting thing now she's growing up I actually think its both but more a case of the whole letting go and the whole independance thing - which is a scary prospect cos how much worse will it be when it is my own child - actually no I love the girls almost as if they were my own so it'll probably only be slightly worse. I refuse to become neurotic :->

Having thought about this over the last couple of days i remembered an incident when i was going out on my own the first few times and when you're allowed to start crossing "the big roads" by yourself. When we were little we were allowed round the block on our bikes, but I wasn't allowed to the newsagents - which involved crossing "a big/ bigger road" so once I was out of sight what did bolshy bec do - headed straight for the newsagents!!!!! That basically sums up the way I was back then (shame certain members of my family don't realise I've changed and actually people do grow up and grow out of things - but thats a whole other blog) But anyway - at the time I just thought my mum was being silly i mean i was out on my own and had crossed that road thousands of times before and was literally only 100 yards further then the places mum let me go anyway so I didn't see that problem. But I totally do now ah hindsight is a wonderful thing. Sorry mum :->
Anyway, basically i'm gonna sound like a complete granny but I don't care -

Monday, April 09, 2007

Whose Kitchen is this?!

This is supposedly my kitchen, but I don't think i've ever seen this amount of work surface since I moved in 2 years ago!

2 Weeks ago I decided it was time to clean my kitchen blimey - I must have been ill!

I had to take pictures as I'm not sure i'll ever see that amount of work surface again - well not till I move out anyway!!!!!!

This is what it looked like afterwards.

(2 Weeks later I can assure you it no longer looks like this :->)

p.s Yes I got my new phone today (Woo Hoo) - hence being able to retrieve the photo's

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Thought provoking

Have just read Liz's blog and felt compelled to write this - yes I know twice in one day - i don't even manage that in a week usually. But hey.

Well our Easter weekend is being led by Jean and Ian Harris - they are classed as our "specials" as although they go to our corps we had to book them a year ago to ensure we snared them first - sorry just find that amusing.
Well they lead a very good if somewhat different to the norm Good Friday service. It was very well put together and very powerful - just the way G.F should be.

Anyway, was sat in my usual position in the hall (end of the cornet bench - oh how I miss my horn - but that's a whole other blog altogether) pretty much in the middle of the hall.
At Ilford we have a life size cross stood in front of the platform, behind the middle of the mercy seat during the singing of the first song I had to peer round the "arm" of the cross and actually thought "the cross is in the way" Woah! At that point everything stopped and I just sat there, Shouldn't the cross always "get in the way" or at least what Jesus did for us.
Wow amazing how something so simple can just stop us in our tracks and make us think and just how many dimensions that one phrase has - "The Cross is in the Way" yet it is the Cross that paves our way. So that was my big wow/ woah moment from Good Friday the moment that really made me stop and think.

Have blog ready and waiting

Have blog ready and waiting to publish just awaiting my new phone. I have a decent blog all ready to go but need photo's for it to make any sense. The photo's are on my phone and I have mislaid the software to be able to transfer them onto the computer, am getting a new phone this week

So will blog once I have the pics on my computer.

Have been on a much needed holiday this week - just a few days away to great yarmouth but was some much needed R&R time.
All chilled and mellow and ready to face next week when the girls get back and we have a week of madness - fun madness but madness nonetheless.

*Disclaimer* Sorry very boring blog but needed to keep my average up as it has been somewhat lacking due to being away.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

T minus 2 Days and Counting


Lethargically happy I have to say at the moment. What is the reason for your happiness I hear you ask?


The girls have their exams in the morning so I don't have to hear them practise again before then woo hoo! Now don't get me wrong I love them to pieces and they play very well for their age but it has long since reached the tedious point.

There is however another reason for my happiness;-

T minus 2 days and counting - 2 days of working left and then 2 weeks off WOO HOO!!!!!!

I am sooooooo ready for my time off and holiday. So there you have it a knackered, very lethargic but happy Bec, very much looking forward to the next 2 weeks!!!!! -x-

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Bible Study bits and bobs

The following probably won't make any sense to anyone but me and they are definately in no particular order. But are just musings and bits that I wanted to look up following several sermons.

Passage I wanted to look up;

Romans 8v26
And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.

As a believer you are not left to your own resources to cope with problems. Even when we don’t know the right words to pray, the Holy spirit prays with and for you and God answers. With God helping you pray you don’t need to be afraid to come before him.
Ask the Holy spirit to intercede for you “in harmony with Gods own will” Then when you bring your requests to God, trust that he will always do what is best.

Something which you say or do that shows you do not respect God or a religion
*In connection with 1 John 5
Mark 3v29 Deliberate, ongoing rejection of the work of the Holy Spirit is blasphemy.

Christian love is not a feeling it is a choice.

We can choose to be concerned with peoples well being and treat them with respect, whether or not we feel affection towards them. If we choose to love others God will help us express our love (Notes on 1 John 2 v 10-11)

1 Peter 3v13-14
Now who will want to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you suffer for doing what is right, God will reward you for it. So don’t worry or be afraid of their threats. Instead you must worship Christ as Lord of your life.

Bible Study 4 - 1 John 3

1 John 3
Initial –

v10 Anyone who does not live righteously and does not love other believers does not belong to God.

v10 The Message
The one who won’t practise righteous ways isn’t from God, nor is the one who won’t love a brother or sister.

v15 Anyone who hates another brother or sister is really a murderer at heart. And you know that murderers don’t have eternal life within them.

Lets show the truth by our actions v18

The Message
My dear children, lets not talk about love, lets practise real love. This is the only way we’ll know we’re living truly, living in God’s reality. Its also the way to shut down debilitating self- criticism. Once that’s taken care of and we’re no longer accusing or condemning ourselves we’re bold and free before God!

Notes from v4
There is a difference between committing sin and continuing to sin. Even the most faithful believers sometimes commit sins, but they do not cherish a particular sin or continually choose to commit it. A believer who commits a sin can repent, confess it and find forgiveness. A person who continues to sin by contrast is not sorry for what he or she is doing. Thus this person never confesses and never receives forgiveness. Such a person is in opposition to God, no matter what religious claims he or she makes.

Notes from v 8-9
We all have areas where temptation is strong and habits are hard to conquer. these weaknesses give the devil a foothold so we must deal with our areas of vulnerability if we are struggling with a particular sin however these verses are not directed at us, even if for the time we seem to keep on sinning. John is not talking about people whose victories are still incomplete he is talking about people who make a practise out of sinning and look for ways of justifying it.

Notes on v15 link to Matthew 5v21-22
Christianity is a religion of the heart;
Outward compliance alone is not enough.

Bitterness against someone who has wronged you is an evil cancer within you and will eventually destroy you.
Don’t let a “poisonous root of bitterness” grow in you or your church.

Linked passages;

v12 links with Genesis 4v7
Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and b its master.

v15 links with Matthew 5v21-22
You have heard that our ancestors were told “ You must not murder. If you commit murder you are subject to judgement. But I say, if you are even angry with someone you are subject to judgement. If you call someone an idiot you are in danger of being brought to court. And if you curse someone you are in danger of the fires of hell.

Message paraphrase – Sin is lying in wait for you ready to pounce, its out to get you. You’ve got to master it.

Notes of Matthew 5v21-22
Killing is a terrible sin, but anger is a great sin too because it also violates God’s command to love. Anger in this case refers to seething, brooding bitterness against someone. It is a dangerous emotion that always threatens to leap out of control leading to violence, emotional hurt, increased mental stress and spiritual damage. Anger keeps us from developing a spirit pleasing to God.
Have you ever been proud that you didn’t strike out and say what was really on your mind? Self control is good but Christ wants us to practise thought control as well. Jesus said that we will be held accountable even for our attitudes.


Well, well, well. Have just spent the last little while sorting out my blog as it was a bit of a waste of space until now so am resoluting - if thats the right word to blog every now and then and actual use this space I created over 6 months ago!
Well today is Tuesday and I am so looking forward to Thursday, the 2 girls I look after - Becky and Jessie are both doing grades on their cello's B grade 2 and J grade1. And why you ask am I looking forward to it well its simple no more cello scales!!!!!!!!!!! for the last couple of weeks I have been i suppose the fairest word I could use is subjected to roughtly 30 -40 mins cello practise a day half of which has been scales!!!!!!! To add to that the pieces Jessie is doing becky did for her grade one about just over a year ago so it is the 2nd time i have had to aid the practise of these particular pieces!
I have to say they are definately getting better - which is a flipping good thing considering they have their exams thursday morning! but i am very much looking forward to only having to get them to do cello practise once a week Woohoo I now have another styring to my bow - excuse the pun "I the brass player can now play the c scale on the cello :->"
Anyway enough ramblings, I will sign off now before I bore myself - whoops too late! :->

Bible Study 3 - Romans 12

Romans 12
The Message –
Take your everyday life –
your sleeping, eating, going to work and walking around life
and place it before God as an offering.

Readily recognise what he wants from you and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity. God develops well – formed maturity in you.

If you’re put in charge, don’t manipulate.

Love from the centre of who you are; don’t fake it.

Don’t let evil get the best of you, get the best of evil by doing good. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness.

v1 God has good, pleasing and perfect plans for his children. He wants us to be transformed people with renewed minds living to honour and obey him.

v2 Wise Christians decide that much worldly behaviour is off limits for them. Our refusal to conform to this worlds values however must go even deeper than just behaviour and customs, it must be firmly planted in our mind.
“Let God transform you into a new person, by changing the way you think.”

v6-8 Be thankful for those whose gifts are completely different to yours.
Let your strengths balance their weaknesses and be grateful that their abilities make up for your deficiencies.
Together you can build Christ’s Church.

v9-10 God calls us to real and genuine love that goes far beyond being hypocritical and polite.
Genuine love requires concentration and effort

v21 onwards. Even if your enemy never repents, forgiving him or her will free you of a heavy load of bitterness

Forgiveness involves both attitudes and actions.
If you find it difficult to feel forgiving toward someone who has hurt you, try responding with kind actions.
Many time you will discover that right actions lead to right feelings.

Linked bible passages

v1 linked to Romans 6v13
Do not let any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve sin. Instead give yourselves completely to God, for you were dead, but now you have new life. So use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God.

v2 linked to Ephesians 4v23
Instead let the spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God – truly righteous and holy.

v16 linked to Isaiah 5v21
What sorrow for those who are wise in their own eyes and think themselves so clever.

v19 linked to Deuteronomy 32v35
I will take revenge; I will pay them back. In due time their feet will slip. Their day of disaster will arrive and their destiny will overtake them.

Linked with my thoughts through studying this passage; Proverbs 25v15
Patience can persuade a prince and soft speech can break bones.
The Message paraphrase –
Patient persistence pierce through in difference
gentle speech breaks down rigid defenses.

Following this bible study I felt compelled to email Andy to do what I could to heal any rift that has been caused for whatever reason – Thursday 18th Jan.
Friday 19th Jan I received a less than positive response requesting that I not contact him again as he has no intention of speaking to me again and suggesting that we can “co-exist” at church.

To me the phrase coexisting at church is an oxymoron. But whatver he believes I have done what I can, all that I can do now is pray for him and that he is able to deal with the issues within himself.

Bible Study 2 - Psalm 34

Psalm 34

In the introduction to the Psalms, it says this

In reality only when honest feelings and emotions are shared
can real people be known, loved and helped.
Often patterns of superficial communications spill over into our talks with God.

When I first read this passage the very first things that jump out at me are;

v4 I prayed to the Lord and he answered me. HE FREED ME FROM ALL MY FEARS

v17 – 18 He rescues them from all their troubles
He rescues those whose spirits are crushed

Then through studying the passage

v2 let all who are helpless take heart
God promise great blessing to his people, but many of these blessing require active participation. He will set us free from our fears, guard and defend us, show us goodness, supply our needs, listen when we call to him, and redeem us, but we must do our part. We can appropriate his blessings when we trust him, cry out to him, take refuge in him, fear him, refrain from lying, turn from evil, do good, and search for peace, are broken hearted and serve him.

v9 To fear the Lord means to show him deep respect, reverence and honour. We demonstrate this attitude by humility and genuine worship.

v9 links with Psalm 31; 23 – For the Lord protects those who are loyal to him, but he harshly punishes the arrogant.

v11 links with psalm 111 v10
Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom.

There is an obvious link between fear of the Lord (love and reverence for him) with obedience)
v14 Study note – Some may think that peace should come with no effort. But David explained that we are to work hard at peace. Paul echoed this thought in Romans 12;18. A person who wants peace cannot be argumentative and contentious. Because peaceful relationships come from our efforts at peace making, work hard at living in peace with others each day.

Psalm 71 v 19-21 The Message
v5 Look at him, give him your warmest smile never hide your feelings from him.
v15-18 God keeps an eye on his friends his ears pick up every moan and groan. God won’t put up with rebels he’ll cull them from the pack. Is anyone crying out for help? God is listening ready to rescue you. If your heart is broken, you’ll find God right there (if you’re kicked in the gut he’ll help you catch your breath)
v21 The wicked commit slow suicide they waste their lives hating the good.