Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Ok so i'm not a mum yet, but I have to blog a whole "they grow up so fast" blog!!!!!!!
Today was a scary milestone. Today was the day one of my charges got her own mobile phone!!!!!! Ok so now i'm sounding really bad, but it's sooooooo scary where the time goes last thing I knew she was just turning 5, i blink and suddenly she's 10 and has a mobile. I know the average age of a person to have a first mobile is getting younger but still it's so worrying.

While I'm blogging I suppose I should also add I am also now appreciating how daunting it can be for parents to let go at different stages.
When the schools go back becky will walk home on her own for the first time. Now she lives less then 1/2 a mile from her school yet this is such a big thing. I can't work out though whether i'm feeling it so much because between 8am and 6.30pm she is my responsibility oh whether its just cos its a daunting thing now she's growing up I actually think its both but more a case of the whole letting go and the whole independance thing - which is a scary prospect cos how much worse will it be when it is my own child - actually no I love the girls almost as if they were my own so it'll probably only be slightly worse. I refuse to become neurotic :->

Having thought about this over the last couple of days i remembered an incident when i was going out on my own the first few times and when you're allowed to start crossing "the big roads" by yourself. When we were little we were allowed round the block on our bikes, but I wasn't allowed to the newsagents - which involved crossing "a big/ bigger road" so once I was out of sight what did bolshy bec do - headed straight for the newsagents!!!!! That basically sums up the way I was back then (shame certain members of my family don't realise I've changed and actually people do grow up and grow out of things - but thats a whole other blog) But anyway - at the time I just thought my mum was being silly i mean i was out on my own and had crossed that road thousands of times before and was literally only 100 yards further then the places mum let me go anyway so I didn't see that problem. But I totally do now ah hindsight is a wonderful thing. Sorry mum :->
Anyway, basically i'm gonna sound like a complete granny but I don't care -

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