I bought a bible study methods book my Rick Warren and the first suggest chapter to study was Psalm 15. So I bought a study bible last week and sat down today to do it, and here's my thoughts, findings etc.
The theme of Psalm 15 is Guidelines for livng a blameless life.
The first verse to jump out at me in the NLT version was Verse 5 -
"Those who cannot be bribed to lie about the innocent"
for obvious reasons given current circumstances and those over the past 6 months.
The first verse to jump out at me from the Message was Verse 4
"Don't hurt your friend, don't blame your neighbour, despise the despicable"
Now I have thoughts on that but also because it doesn't say HATE the despicable hate in my eyes is a very strong word it sayd DESPISE so I looked up the word despise -
To feel a strong dislike for someone or something because you think they are bad or worthless.
To regard with contempt, distatse, disgust or disdain - scorn - loathe.
As i said I have thought and feeling on hate and dislike I cannot honestly say i HATE anyone so yes despise is a good word to use it's not about hating - its about disliking someones actions or motives!
Psalm 15 we are given 10 standards to detrmine how morally upright we are (accorsing to my study bible.
Perhaps nothing so identifies a Christian as their ability to control their speech.
In my study bible it cross references verses so here's some of the cross references i found useful.
v1 Psalm 27 v 6
"Then i will hold my head high above my enemies who surround me."
v2 Ephesians 4 v25
Lying to each other disupts unity by creating conflicts and destroying trust.
It tears down relationships and leads to open warfare in a church
v3 Exodus 23 v1
"You must not pass along false rumours"
Even if you do not initiate a lie, you become responsible if you pass it on.
Psalm 28 v 3
Wicked people often put on a show of kindness or friendship in order to gain their own ends.
True believers should be straightforward and sincere in all their relationships.
v4 Judges 11 v 35
"God does not want promises for the future, but obedience for today."
So in conclusion I have taken the verses I like best out of each translation or paraphase and this is my version of Psalm 15