Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Just completed the spiritual gifts questionnaire (last one I did was 3 years ago)
Sitting thinking and evaluating in my head, just wanted to get down my thoughts.

In a period of limbo.
Of waiting.
Of sitting and waiting God's time.
Learning in a period of rest and stillness.
Not able to DO.
Just having to BE.

Could say a lot about the situation at the Corps, but i'm not going to.

Just the above thoughts.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Encouragement and Opportunites Update 1 WOW!

Well what a week! I've been so encouraged and thankful for the opportunities that have been put in front of me.

Following my blog last week Jessie's bible arrived the next day and I gave it to her. She wanted to start from the beginning, so we went out in the sunshine last Wednesday afternoon and I sat with Jessie reading her bible - WOW!

She read the first 7 Chapters of the bible in her first sitting. She stopped occasionally and passed the occasional comment like "I understand that now" or "that makes a bit more sense now" I was just beaming from ear to ear and thanking God for the inquisitive little lady I had the priviledge of introducing to the bible and to God - WOW!

There was one question she asked (I think it was about the intricasies of Cain and Abel, and I was just honest with her and said to be honest Jess I don't know the answer to that, but I can find out if you'd like.

When Jess and I went inside I had the chance to have a chat with Becky who asked if she could have a bible like Jess's. So Ipromptly ordered her one and got it delivered to her house as I would be awasy at the weekend. I went to work yesterday and it had arrived and she'd read about creation and Noah already and then went on to read up to genesis 7 yesterday. Wow!
I had a brief chat with Julie (their mum) and said I hoped it was alright that i'd bought Jess a bible and explained the conversation i'd had with Jess. She then went on to tell me that Jess had also asked mummy and daddy if she could have a bible and they were going to get her one, so she thanked me for getting one for her! Thank you God for willing parents.

I really do feel honoured, excited and nervous about this new doorway God is presenting to me. I spend 4 days a week with these girls and love them to pieces and am really excited about them genuinely wanting to know and find out more. It's all coming from them and i'm taking it slowly - baby steps, prompted by them and where this may lead I am not sure, I am just so happy and pleased that we're going down this road at all. I'm trusting God step by step after all tiny mustard seeds and all that!

Please continue to pray for me and Becky and Jessie and their mum and dad and I'll keep you updated :@)

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Encouragement and Opportunites

Whilst I could blog about roots, i'm still processing all that stuff but the current thing occupying my thoughts is to do with a conversation last week.
I was taking the girls (Jessie age 8, Becky age 11) out bowling last Thursday as it was polling day and as they climbed into the back of my car noticed my bible on the back seat, they've seen it a fair few times before and so didn't think anything of it - or so I thought. Until we'd got a little way down the road and Jessie asked me "Do you have to have to take a bible to church" I replied no you don't and whilst thinking about what I was going to say next Jessie chirps in with "you just like to take it" so I said yes I did. Now the girls know I go to church every Sunday and also go to 1 or 2 church related things during the week. So little conversations about choir practice, band practice and bible study occasionally crop up. But this was a new one on me and I was and still am challenged and encouraged by what Jess said next. She told me she didn't have a bible which I queried so she explained that she did have one but it was a small one that she got at her Christening. (Becky then chirped in that she only got ornaments at her Christening - which is a whole other blog altogether) Jessie said that she could read the bible she had because the writing was so small. Then she went on to say that she'd really like a bible so she could read some of it and read about Jesus.
Well, there's a whole load of directions I could have taken the conversation. Knowing the girls as I do I kept it simple and relaxed and simply asked if she would like me to buy her a bible. She said yes please i'd like that. So having thought about which one to buy her I have now ordered Jessie a bible. I am now praying that God will give me the right words in conversations with the girls and the right approach for this situation. I want to be a positive encouragemnt to the girls without coming across to the parents as trying to "convert" the girls. Both parents attended church when they were younger and the girls go to church for church parade, so I'm sure it won't but I am wanting to tread carefully, yet effectively.
So I had what you could call a WOW moment last Thursday, and am looking forward to seeing where God wants to take this. Please pray for me and Becky, Jessie and their parents as it seems God has opened a doorway for me and I thank him for that.